Vincenzo GiordanoDr Vincenzo Giordano is a medical practitioner specialising in Psychiatry. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery in Milan, Italy and following two years working as an Emergency Medicine Doctor he has moved to London to train in Psychiatry. He has worked in Older Adult, Child and Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry and in the last 5 years has been working as a Specialist Doctor in Psychiatry in East London NHS Foundation Trust. In the last two years he has been working in the City and Hackney Early Intervention in Psychosis team. He has developed an interest for a less biological and more psychosocial approach to psychosis and mental health and has been introduced by two members of the team, who are in their third year of the Open Dialogue Training, to the Open Dialogue approach. Vincenzo is attending the Foundation Training in Open Dialogue organised by Open Dialogue UK. He has found this training extremely enriching, and it has positively changed his way of communicating both on a personal and a professional level.