Adam Hutton is a social worker currently working as a family interventions therapist in an early intervention (first episode psychosis) service in London for the NHS (South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust). He is entering the third year of training in Open Dialogue. He is previously trained in Behavioural Family Therapy and in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches to working with families. He has recent experience in service development, in managing a new service for identifying people at risk of developing psychosis, which uses psychological and practical support to reduce the likelihood of the onset of psychosis. Adam has a strong interest in the potential of Open Dialogue to drive service development in mental health teams in refocusing in a more family and network orientated perspective. As part of his current role in an early psychosis service, he is using Open Dialogue in his clinical practice and is interested in how Open Dialogue, as a relatively new service development, is adapted as it is introduced into the context of the NHS.